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Anybody who works hard their entire life should look forward to retiring with dignity. But when it comes to retirement security, too many retirees are stuck in a race to the bottom as 401(k) plans have replaced guaranteed pensions. AFSCME Retirees support policies that break this spiral, including promoting well-funded pensions, consumer protections against high fee Wall Street 401(k) retirement funds and protecting and enhancing Social Security.

Join Us

Please fill out application today if you would like more information about joining the AFSCME Chapter 57 retirees to stand together to protect and improve your retirement benefits—like pensions, Medicare and Social Security. Our chapter lobbies Congress, appeals to state legislators, even fights city hall in the effort to defend retirement security.

Attend a Meeting

We need your voice to make sure our members, the public and elected officials know about the issues that affect the well-being of California’s older adults. By attending our meetings and joining us at important events, we can mobilize more people to take action on all the issues that affect our retirement security.

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